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Summer Social Media Success: Maximizing Impact with a Dedicated Social Media Team

Social Media Management

Kerra AuCoin Mansfield

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Kerra AuCoin Mansfield of KA Social Media

Unlocking the Potential of Focused Social Media Management for Tourism Businesses

Are you looking to boost your tourism business’s social media presence this summer? Watch this video recording of our workshop, “Summer Social Media Success: Maximizing Impact with a Dedicated Social Media Team,” and learn how dedicating one-two team members to manage social media can transform your online engagement and customer service. This comprehensive session will cover creating engaging stories and reels, enhancing customer service through social media, and tracking and measuring your success.

3-Key Takeaways:

  • Understand the Role of a Social Media Manager: Gain insights into the key responsibilities and skills needed for effective social media management.
  • Create Engaging Content: Learn tips for crafting captivating Instagram Stories and Reels that capture your audience’s attention. Receive a checklist for stories and reels ideas
  • Enhance Customer Service: Discover the best practices for providing excellent customer service through social media. Get a guide with sample responses for common customer inquiries and complaints.