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How to Position Your Business for the Power of Facebook Advertising

Social Media Management

Shelley Bellefontaine

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Confidently Reach New Audiences with Facebook Ads

Tourism marketing is very competitive, often with a short window of time to engage and convert lookers into bookers. Shelley Bellefontaine from Atlantic Online Fairlead Marketing Inc will demystify the Facebook Pixel, demonstrate how to actively use the Facebook Business Manager, and help you build better ads and reach a wider audience.

What are 3-Key Takeaways: 

  • Getting clear on the purpose of the Facebook Pixel, and how to use it
  • Using the Facebook Business Manager to your advantage
  • How to create a powerful Facebook ad to get the attention your business deserves

Presenter’s name: Shelley Bellefontaine

Title: Founder & Lead Digital Architect of Atlantic Online Fairlead Marketing Inc.
